le donne e delle donne What is the difference of 'le donne' and 'delle donne'?
2014年9月1日 10:25
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le donne e delle donne

What is the difference of 'le donne' and 'delle donne'?


For example, can I say as follows?

Ho dei fiori.

Ho i fiori.



"delle" is composed by the preposition "di" and the article "le" and it can have different meanings:

- 'complemento di specificazione': "of the" > "gli occhi delle donne..." = "the eyes of the women..."
- 'complemento di argomento' "about the" > "non è facile parlare delle donne" = "it isn't easy speaking about the women
- intruduce the second term in comparatives: "than the" > "gli uomini sono piú robusti delle donne" = "[the] men are robuster than [the] women"
- partitive article: "some" > "delle donne sono venute..." > "some women have came..." 


le donne e delle donne

What is the difference of 'le donne' and 'delle donne'?


LE DONNE       =   THE WOMEN       Definite article     (when you know them)

DELLE DONNE =  SOME WOMEN     Indefinite article (when you speak about women in general)


Thank you!
You should ask that in the "Answers" section. The notebook is there to get your texts corrected by native speakers, not really for questions.