Darya Barfuss
Please advice me an adequate news site Hello, friends all over the world!!!! I'd love to be in touch with what's going on in this running never stopping world. Sometimes we see the worls as crazy, sometimes as alienate, separated from us but we need to keep remembering that we are the part of this world and nothing actually can separate us. We are inevitably interected and interconnected. So therefore it's worth whowing the last events and seeing what's going on not only around your nose but a little bit further. If somebody knows an adequate rather non-personal and non-judgemental news sourse with broad observation of world events, please share with me. I'll really appriciate this. May everybody will have a clear picture of the world!
2014年9月2日 09:25
修改 · 4

(English is not my native language,but some correction)

Please advice advise me an adequate news site
Hello, friends all over the world!!!!

I'd love to be in touch with what's going on in this running never stopping world. Sometimes we see the worls world as crazy, sometimes as alienate, separated from us but we need to keep remembering that we are the part of this world and nothing actually can separate us. We are inevitably interected interacted and interconnected. So therefore it's worth whowing showing the last events and seeing what's going on not only around your nose but a little bit further. If somebody knows an adequate rather non-personal and non-judgemental news sourse with broad observation of world events, please share with me. I'll really appriciate appreciate this.

May everybody will have a clear picture of the world!

I think I really agree with you. Of course we need to check different sides of the events. And I think we need to see if a point of view useless of useful for people's life. Generally speaking it's difficult to see the truth and it will be divergent as you said. But still it's good to know what's going on everywhere.
These days it is less of news but more of views. Even facts are twisted. It is really very difficult to understand and know the FACTS.
I believe that no news channel/website is 100% non biased. Every news source has bosses and they have vested interests to serve. However you can try to read from divergent sources. For example if you have to really find out what is going on inside Ukraine, you must read from Ukrainian, Russian, European, American , and a few other sources to draw your conclusion. None of these sources will give objective information that contradicts interests of their masters. This might consume lot of time of yours but I am afraid that this is the only way to reach closer to the truth. You will still not have 100% truth as even honest opinions have in built biases based on the convictions of the authors. :) These days major part of the media is nothing short of a theatre :)