Apostasy Recently, I heard from Evangelical Pastor's testimony about how a person complained him because an 'Evangelical' said to this person 'the solution' to all his problems making a convenant with God in order to heal his mother. Unfortunately, he paid $20 000 by that 'pact' and his mother died. The fustration, angry and disappointment was huge. Situations like this happen everyday, people desperate to help end scammed by these criminals who plays and take advantage of the faith from thousands of people. Criminals who is in evangelical churches. However it is hard to say that we are part of the cause because we take in just the life of someone who came long ago to save us, heal us, and warn us of things which would come in the last days. Porque vendrán muchos en mi nombre, diciendo: Yo soy el Cristo; y á muchos engañarán.Mathews 24, 5 Y por avaricia harán mercadería de ustedes con palabras fingidas. II Peter 2, 3 Apostasy is the action of take advantage of The Gospel to own benefit.
2014年9月21日 21:19
修改 · 6


Recently, I heard from an Evangelical Pastor's testimony about how a person complained to him because an 'Evangelical' said to this person 'the solution' to all his problems was making a convenant with God in order to heal his mother. Unfortunately, he paid $20,000 for that 'pact' and his mother died. The frustration, anger and disappointment was huge.
Situations like this happen every day, people desperate for help end up scammed by these criminals who play on and take advantage of the faith from thousands of people.
Criminals who are in evangelical churches.
However, it is hard to say that we are part of the cause because we accept the life of someone who came long ago to save us, heal us, and warn us of things which would come in the last days.  [I'm not sure I understood what you meant in this sentence.]

Porque vendrán muchos en mi nombre, diciendo: Yo soy el Cristo; y á muchos engañarán.Mathews 24, 5

Y por avaricia harán mercadería de ustedes con palabras fingidas. II Peter 2, 3

Apostasy is the action of take advantage of The Gospel to own benefit.
