My blog This is the first post of my blog. The main reason I created this blog is to improve my writing skills in English. I've been practicing listening, reading and even a little bit of speaking. However, I have kind of left aside writing exercises. This blog will be my tool, writing-wise. In order to improve my language skills I need corrections from native speakers of English, it doesn't matter which country they are from. Advanced English speakers as well as fluent ones are welcome to help me too.
2014年9月23日 06:23
修改 · 1

My Blog

This is the my first post of my blog. The main reason I created this blog is to improve my writing skills in English. I've been practicing listening, reading and even a little bit of speaking. However, I have kind of left aside ignored writing exercises. This blog will be my tool, writing-wise. In order to improve my language skills I need corrections from native speakers of English, it doesn't matter which country they are from. Advanced English speakers as well as fluent ones are welcome to help me too.
