Dogs Are Our Best Friends 狗是人类最好的朋友 One day Xiao Qiang went fishes with Little Lion, After tying his dog to a young tree, he casted the fishing-line into the water,and sat on a small stool waiting for any fish that would bite his bait. At the moment the dangerous thing happened, Xiao Qiang fell into the water which is very deep and he cannot swim, he was floundering about in the water. Barking loudly hIs dog hard broke loose the chain and jumped into the water, after passing some trouble, Xiao Qiang was dragged up to the shore but he was dying. The bystanders wanted to save him but Little Lion did not let them to get close his master . Barking and running around him perhaps it hoped to protect its master in its own way. The onlookers called the ambulance but the nurse was afraid to close the big dog, then they called the policemen. For saved his master a policeman shot dead the it, Little Lion drowned in its blood with the sound of a gunshot... Xiao Qiang was carried a ambulance and sent to a hospital, after waking up he was told that Little Lion lost its life for him, he said sadly with tears in his eyes,"If I had been careful, Little Lion would not have lost its life, I will be keeping a dog any more!" 一天小强带小狮子去河边钓鱼,他把爱犬拴在了一棵小树上,把鱼竿甩入水中,然后自己坐在小板凳上,等待鱼儿上钩。此时危险的事情发生了,他不小心掉进了水里,水很深,小强不会游泳,拼命地在水中挣扎。小狮子大声叫着用力挣脱锁链,跳入水中,经过一番周折,把主人拖上岸来。这时的小强已经奄奄一息,旁边的人想过去,但是小狮子狂叫着,不许人接近,并且一圈一圈地围着主人转,它在用自己的方式保护着主人。旁人打电话叫来了救护车,可是医生不敢上前,打电话叫来了警察,在这个危机的关头,警察用枪击毙了小狮子,随着一声枪响小狮子倒在了血泊之中..... 小强被抬上了救护车送进了医院,当他醒过来,知道了小狮子为了救自己失去了生命,流着眼泪伤心地说:“假如当时我小心一点,小狮子就不会送命了,从今往后,我再也不养狗了!”
2014年9月23日 10:12
修改 · 3

Dogs Are Our Best Friends 狗是人类最好的朋友

One day Xiao Qiang went fishes fishing with Little Lion. After tying his dog to a sapling young tree, he casted cast the fishing-line into the water, and sat on a small stool waiting for any fish that would bite take/nibble his bait.

At the moment the Then something dangerous thing happened: Xiao Qiang fell into the water (which is very deep) and as he cannot swim he was floundering about in the water. Barking loudly hIs dog lunged very violently, hard and broke loose from the chain, and jumped into the water. After passing some much trouble, Xiao Qiang was dragged up onto the shore but he was almost dead dying.

The bystanders wanted to save him, but Little Lion did not let them to get close to his master . Barking and running around him, perhaps it <em>(too many it/it so let's eliminate one of them)</em> hoping to protect its master in its own way. 
The onlookers called for an the ambulance, but the nurse was afraid to get close to/approach the big dog, then so they called the policemen. For To save his master a policeman shot dead the dog it, and Little Lion drowned in its blood with the sound of a gunshot ringing in its ears... <em>(nothing about the gunshot sound in the Chinese text)</em>

Xiao Qiang was carried a carried by ambulance and sent to a hospital, where after waking up he was told that Little Lion lost its life for him; he said sadly with tears in his eyes,"If I had been careful, Little Lion would not have lost its life, I will never be keeping a dog again any more!"

