Dominik Symonowicz
Project 34365: part 318 ================= (二百四十八/三百六十五) 今天是二〇一四年十月二十日。 and (和) - with nouns ------ 我和我的爱人去天津。 智能手机和笔记本电脑属于我的。 我吃了牛肉和米饭。 和 can be use with nouns only。 How to do it with verbs ?
2014年10月21日 10:13
修改 · 1
“和” with verbs? for example: I want to go for lunch and shopping。 Usually if you want to express you want to do two things , you can use: 我要去吃饭然后逛街(things have the order with time)/ 我要去吃饭,还要去逛街。 because you can't do two stuffs at a time. But sometimes you can , for example: I am reading while eating. 我边吃饭边看书。 Hope it is useful .