I want a translation into Arabic for this sentence please I'm studying four kinds of translation in this year ,and the literary translation is one of them . I'm translating now the second chapter of the novel called Joseph Andrews and there is a sentence that I want a help from you in translating it into Arabic. can anyone help me ? The words are almost out of the stone with antiquity.
2014年10月25日 18:51
修改 · 5
You are welcome my dear (,")
thanks a lot for your help ^_^
Yes, sure Ola. I was just telling you to wait for an answer from an expert in translation because I'm not;) I'm not 100% sure of the answer that I gave you, but this is all I could know to be honest. Good luck:)
It is an obligatory work to translate it , not my choice. My professor in the college chooses this novel to study as a whole in the lecture of literature and translate only a few chapters in the lecture of literary translation beside some verses of poetry.
Ola, please don't count on this translation if you got another one from the Arabic members who studied the language, ok dear? I noticed no one answered you, so I'm only trying to help but I also hate to give you any wrong translation! Anyway here what I think it should be: الكلمات كأنها خرجت من الحجر والعصور القديمة