About me Hello everyone. My name is Giang. I come from Vietnam and I live in Ninh Binh city. I'm 23 years old, Last year, I graduated from Ha Noi university of Business and Technology. Now, I'm an accountant and I work at limited liability company in the field of telecommunications. My favourites is watching film, going out with my friend, listening to music,.... I want to make firend with peple all over the world and i want to find a partner language who can help me
2014年10月26日 02:24
修改 · 11

About me


Hello everyone. My name is Giang. I come am from Vietnam and I live in Ninh Binh city. I'm 23 years old. Last year, I graduated from Ha Noi university of Business and Technology. Now, I'm an accountant and I work at a limited liability company in the field of telecommunications. My favorite things are  watching film (could also use "movies"), going out with my friends, listening to music, etc. I want to make friends with people from all over the world and i want to find a language partner who can help me.


In the United States we say "watching movies" instead of "watching film".

messages in italki .
ok, that is good idea. I have a lot of free time in the evening. How can I chat with you?
Ofcouse ! We wil improve our english by exchange everyday . Chat and share every thing hahaha
Yes, me too. My English is bad. I want to be more confident when i speak but my vocabulary is poor :(.. We can help each other.