Edgar Trejo
Invents Ok, I going to talk about Nicola Tesla’s inventions, but first able I want to mention a few things about Tesla, he born in Servia but arrived to America in 1884, worked with Tomas until he cheated to Tesla with money specifically with 50,000 dollars. However, Tesla invented a lot of things some for goods reasons, like the X-ray, electric motor, Radio, Laser, wireless communication and the alternating current, but he invented other no much goods like the earthquake machine, dead laser, and others more. Now I want talk of the alternative current, also called AC current. AC current it’s the most useful electric power in the world. Maybe you know some about the AC current, but if you don’t know this kind of electricity is that feeds your houses and industries and everything. Tesla invented the AC current together with Westinghouse and when he finished they expose them. But for some people Thought that this kind of energy was a trap, just like thought Tomas. Tomas put some many traps to them, he put fear in every people that he know, and for that he invented the electric chair
2014年11月20日 21:00
修改 · 3


Ok, I going to talk about Nicola Tesla’s inventions, but first able I want to mention a few things about Tesla. he was born in Servia, but arrived to America in 1884. He worked with Tomas until he cheated to Tesla with out of money. specifically with 50,000 dollars. (It might be better to say "He worked with Tomas until he cheated Tesla out of 50,000 dollars." This would be a tad clearer.)However, Tesla invented a lot of things. some for goods reasons like the X-ray, electric motor, Radio, Laser, wireless communication and the alternating current, but he invented others no much which were not so goods like the earthquake machine, dead death laser, and others more(the word "others" already suggests that there were more)
Now I want talk of the alternative current, also called AC current. AC current it’s is the most useful electric power in the world. Maybe you know some about the AC current, but if you don’t know, this kind of electricity is that feeds powers your houses and industries and everything. houses, industries, and everything. --(This part is a tad awkward. I might say "powers everything from your houses to industries")Tesla invented the AC current together with Westinghouse and when he finished, they expose revealed them. But for some people, Thought that this kind of energy seemed like it was a trap, just like thought Tomas Tomas thought. Tomas put some many traps to them, gave them many traps. He put fear in every people person that he know knew and for because of that, he invented the electric chair


Overall it was a very well-written piece! I enjoyed learning a bit about Teslas past and the invention of AC current. I hope you continue to write pieces like these. 


Hope this helped :)

The last paragraph makes me think: we can see into the history how people always have felt fear by to unknown. And life is too unfair...