I'm a loser... I'm an incredible loser last time, even literally... Gotten tired I forget and lose everything here and there: my scehedule, my hair brush, my lipstick... Tomorrow I have an exam on logistics and have to submite my course project and wahat have done for that? I have lost my flash memory-stick with all the control projects! And after the OS fail the memory stick was the only place contained my studying things... I've gotabsolutely no idea how I will cope with that :D It seems, this exam session is going to be an epic fail :D
2014年11月25日 13:40
修改 · 5

I'm a loser...


I'm an incredible loser! <em>("incredible loser" выдает какое-то легкое удовольство с собственным положением...задумайся над этим предложением: I am incredible at losing at failing.)</em>  last time, even literally... I was exhausted, so I was forgetting and losing everything here and there: my scehedule, my hair brush, my lipstick... 

Tomorrow, I have an exam on logistics and have to submiT my course project – and what have I done?/ and guess what? for that? I lost my <em>flash memory-stick</em> (flash drive) with all my projects! And after the OS fail since my computer died(?), the memory stick was the only place contained my studying things... <em>(по художественному варианту: the memory stick/flash drive was my only hope!)</em>
I have absolutely no idea how I will cope with that :D
It seems that this exam <em>session </em> is going to be an epic fail. :D


<em>Большой молодец, Елена! Конечно, я не говорю про потерю важных вещей для контрольной работы, а про этот прекрасный текст. </em>


I'm a loser...

I'm an incredible loser last time, even literally... Gotten tired I forget and lose I got tired and forgot and lost everything, all over the shop here, and there: my scehedule timetable, my hair brush, my lipstick...
Tomorrow I have an exam on logistics and have to submite my course project coursework and wahat have done for that? I have lost my flash memory-stick with all the control projects! And after the OS failed the memory stick was the only place where my work was stored contained my studying things...
I've got absolutely no idea how I will cope with that :D
It seems, this exam session is going to be an epic fail :D


* There is no non-literal meaning of the word loser, so it doesn't make sense to say "even literally".

* At the risk of offending our American friends, "gotten" always sounds horrible. Use some other word.

* "All over the shop" is a colloquial phrase meaning various places, or eveywhere.

* Not sure what is meant by "control projects"

* Bonus points for using epic fail correctly! :D

