Peace and Language In the past there were many people living in together. Some of them were big population and a state. They were living under control of their leaders or kings. Each population only know their native language and have less information of others. They thought that other people only enemy for them and only way to live is to kill them and to dismemberment states... to learn foreign languages make people full of information and know each other and not diffrence among them and the world enought to live together by sharing it fairly. I strongly believe that people who know foreign languages are mostly more intellectual and they are bridges among cultures and connect them in peace....
2014年11月26日 16:01
修改 · 3

Peace and Language

In the past there were many groups of similar people living in together. Some of them were big large populations and considered to be a state. They were living lived under the control of their leaders or kings. Each population only knew their native language and have less information knew virtually none of others. They thought that considered other people only as their enemies for them and the only way to live is to kill them and even to dismemberment states... to Learning foreign languages makes people full of more informed, and know each other's similarities, and not just differences among between them and the world, enought to live together by sharing it fairly. I strongly believe that people who know foreign languages are mostly typically more intellectual, and they are bridges among cultures and connect them in peace....


I changed the first sentence because 'many people living together' is not just in the past.

Monarchs are still leaders, even if they don't have direct power.

Try not to keep using 'and' in one sentence.

Unfortunately 'sharing' and 'fairly' hardly ever happens.

I changed 'mostly' because you can't actually know 'most' people who know foreign languages.

Den did well to clarify the first sentence. It makes me curious about a more specific meaning. Even "In the past" is very general. 2014 is in the past now! Anyways, here's some other ideas about how I might start the paragraph, depending on my objective and the actual facts you are trying to convey. Cheers! In the past different settled groups of people were often living near one another. In the past, it would often be the case that many different settled, nomadic, and semi-nomadic people would live in the same region.