Viktor Swan
Stop eating! There is an expression in Russia: "A mouse hangs itself in his fridge." It means he or she doesn't have any food in a fridge for eating. You can see a funny picture with a mouse with its death note: "Хватит жрать!" - It's a ironical way to say: "stop eating!" "жрать" - means to eat a lot food... each and all))) Can you write other phrases in English for this situation?
2014年12月21日 20:17
修改 · 8

Stop eating!

There is an expression in Russia:
"A mouse hanged itself in his fridge."

It means he or she doesn't have any food in a fridge for eating.
You can see a funny picture with a mouse with its death note:
"Хватит жрать!" -
It's a ironical way to say: "stop eating!"
"жрать" - means to eat a lot food... each and all)))

Can you write other phrases in English for this situation?

Poor mouse. Little did it know what its fate would be. And it was just over something to eat.
Вообще-то мышь повесилась не от "Хватит жрать", а от "Нет ничего покушать", чтобы не умирать медленной голодной смертью. Что-то похожее было в фильме "Дом у озера", когда главная героиня (врач) вернулась с работы. Но, может быть, это и не звучало как сленг.
"A mouse hanged itself in his fridge."