The women's migration. Only some reflection. Currently I'm reading about the right of the women. Today I read about the women's migration and I was surprised because we have a idea that it only happens by sexual questions, but no! (I searched some texts and the most talked is about this violence. Especially at Brazil.) The women's migration is about the work in differents places, the marriage and also others situations that can to involve the violation of right. My attention was called for the marriage. I thought about the woman who married with person from others country with a life in a different culture, far away from her family. Well, we know that exist some happy* marriage around the world... But I'm studying over the violence against women, so, i was thoughtful about how the women are feeling when suffering some violence in the house sometimes in situations of dependency and subordination. In front the difficulties. Who can she search?
2015年1月27日 03:26
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The Women's migration. Only some reflection. (This sounds more natural for a title)

Currently I'm reading about the right of the women (more common: "women's rights"). Today I read about the women's migration (this is fine, but I think I would say "migration of women") and I was surprised because we have a idea that it only happens by sexual questions, but no! (I searched some texts and the most talked is about this violence. Especially at Brazil.) The women's migration is about the work in differents places, the marriage and also others situations that can to involve the violation of right.
My attention was called for the marriage. I thought about the woman who married with ("who married a" or "who was married to a") person from others country with a life in a different culture, far away from her family. Well, we know that exist (that there are) some happy* (why the asterisk?) marriages around the world... But I'm studying over the violence against women, so, I was thoughtful about how the women are feeling when suffering some violence in the house sometimes in situations of dependency and subordination. In front the difficulties. Who can she search?  (Who can she go to?)

I am confused by "I was surprised because we have a idea that it only happens by sexual questions" - are you saying that sexual violence and other factors which go against women's rights are seen as the main reasons for a woman to move to another country?  

(I didn't correct everything, but I hope it helps :) )

Você está certo, Tom! Bom ler isso. Bjs.
Looking for a trophy husband preferably from Eurozone or the US has become a widespread trend.
I believe this is a massive problem around the world. The cycle of violence against women is very hard to break especially when there are children involved because women will never run away and leave them behind. Sometimes they don't have the resources (legal and financial) to take their children back to their country. I believe today women are more independent, especially financially. They have good education and careers and they are more free to face the world alone. Then they only need a man for good company. It's good for the man too because men have more respect for independent women. So this is a positive change in the world I believe. bjs