the words I have learnt Wir ; Ihr ; Katze : Hund ; ya ; bitte ; Frau ; Mann ; Kind ; Schocolate ; Obst ; Tier (animal?) ; tee ; saft I'm frustrated, cause I can't write any sencense in German.
2015年1月30日 13:24
修改 · 1

The words I have learnt [Die Worte, die ich gelernt habe]

Wir ; Ihr ; Katze : Hund ; yja [German j is pronounced like English y] ; bitte ; Frau ; Mann ; Kind ; Schockolatde ; Obst ; Tier (animal? [yes]) ; Tee ; Saft
I'm frustrated, cause I can't write any senctensce in German.

[That's normal, it's difficult for every beginner to come up with sentences. Try simple sentences first. :-) German is not that different from English with respect to vocabulary, but it has a different word order rules and a different grammar.]
