what about your national customs in your country? Talk me about one of them. For example in Spain one of the most important national custom is bullfighting... Especially in Pamplona where citizens lead the Saint Fermín Festival. All mornings between July 6th to July 14 th afterwards the "Chupinazo" 6 bull are going after the runners, it is called like Bull running, so is a hazardous festivity. In the afternoon, the bullfighters which have been driven to the bullring will be fought. It is called bullfighting. What about you??
2015年2月1日 18:12
修改 · 5

What about the national customs in your country? Tell me about one of them.

For example in Spain one of the most important national customs is bullfighting. Especially in Pamplona where citizens lead the Saint Fermín Festival. Every mornings between July 6th to July 14th after the "Chupinazo", 6 bulls are going after the runners. It is called like bull running, and it is a hazardous activity. In the afternoon, the bullfighters who have been driven to the bullring will fight. It is called bullfighting. What about you??




I agree with all of Karen's corrections. Just one additional comment: You can say either -

"Every morning between July 6th and July 14th" or

"Every morning from July 6th to July 14th"
