Where The Determination Is, The Way Can Be Found Name of this article is a quote from George S. Clason and his book The Richest man in Babylon. The book describes story of a slave who started as a poor and wanted to be rich. He tried many things without succeeding, but one day someone gave him a table with rules which he had to follow to become rich. One of the rules was to put aside 1/10 of his income and invest it. After a while, he realized that he doesn't miss the money and wanted to invest them in something. This first experience was disappointing, because he gave his money to unskilled person, who looked skilled, and he lost all his money. This skill helped him to gain more money in the future. I also have similar experience, but I realized that the investment was a fraud (Ponzi Scheme) just day before I would lost my money. Finally it cost me just a few dollars, but it was worth it. Much better than just analyze the fraud and not invest! Another investment was his investment in business of his acquaintance. He became wealthy after that investment. It was worth the risk for him. Actually, after my first "investment" into Ponzi scheme, I realized that to gain money quickly without effort is not the way how to get rich. So I also decided to invest in a business soon. I also decided to study an accounting because I want to understand numbers which are behind the scenes of the business. That is quite tough for me, because I have never been interested in the accounting, but I found it really useful for investing. The story in the book inspired me to do more and more. I am increasing my ability to earn and investing my money into education, now it is English. This will help me to connect with people worldwide and to do business worldwide. That is why I want to sound like a native and behave like a native. Determination is also connected with persistence and decisiveness. As a child and also adult, I used to give up things which I was unable to do on a first attempt, because I thought that I am not good at it. What I realized after a while is that I just needed to desire to be good, to be determined to that goal and to be persistent. It is sometimes exhausting, boring or annoying, but it is worth it! I do English for 5 months and last month 3-4 times a week. My mind started to look for a ways how to make more and more money to have more lessons with my favorite teacher Gary! I like that feeling of creative mind. :) And what is your story? Pavel
2015年3月2日 07:25