truc anh
Overall, the number of students attends school Overall, the number of students attends school because of career falls sharply by different age groups, whereas deciding to keep studying depending on their interests by far increases considerably.
2015年3月6日 03:20
修改 · 4

Overall, the number of students attending school

Overall, the number of students continuing to attend school because in pursuit of a career, falls sharply by different??? increasing??? age groups, whereas the number of students deciding to keep studying depending on their interests by far increases considerably with age.


<em>This is FAR too brief for an IELTS Academic Part I answer.  </em>

<em>You need to describe the chart, and include the image in your notebook entry.  </em>

<em>You need 100-150 words at least.</em>

No its not explanation of career intrest nor related to any graph I think you are try to illustrateing where is difference