Tammy 青心
About my old book (II) The book talked about a scientist's life. He majored in computer science, biology and chemistry. His first love was with a girl who was dumb and deaf from birth. He gave a lot of tries to love her because she felt ashamed about her situation and her mom loved her too much that she wanted to protect her little girl from everything. That woman was afraid that he could hurt her daughter. Unfortunately, his love lasted no longer due to a horrible accidence. A drunk driver crushed her up by his crane-truck while she was trying to save a boy who was dumb and deaf as well. That's why he didn't hear the crane truck coming up. After her death, he began to blame God for taking her away and he stopped believing in God any more. Because God was unfair, he thought. In my opinion, when someone becomes hopeless, he/she will want to blame someone, normally God. Maybe it's just because they won't hear complains from God. Of course we know blame isn't a good way to solves everything but at least they can feel releasing in a moment. Do you think that?
2015年3月28日 20:08
修改 · 6

About my old book (II)


The book talks [Still do, so cannot be in past tense] about a scientist's life. He majored in computer science, biology and chemistry.

His first love was with a girl who was born a mute dumb [We no longer use this word for people because it became demeaning and also it carries the implication of stupidity; as in the phrase, "stupid and dumb"] and deaf from birth. He gave a lot of tries tried to love her because but she felt ashamed about of her condition and situation and her mom [too informal here] mother loved her too much trying that she wanted to protect her little girl from everything. That woman She was afraid that he could hurt her daughter.

Unfortunately, his love lasted no longer their destiny was cut short [he still do!] due to an horrible accident. A drunk driving his crane driver crushed struck her up by his crane-truck while as she was trying to save a the boy.  Yes, you see, he too [Since you are telling us a story, so be more warm and personal]  who was dumb mute and deaf as well. That's why He didn't not hear the crane truck vehicle coming from behind up.


After her death, he began to blame God for taking her away and he stopped believing in God any more. Because God was unfair, he thought.

In my opinion, when someone becomes hopeless, he/she [You are not writing a legal piece] one will want to blame someone, normally usually God of the Devil. Maybe Perhaps it's just because they won't hear no complaints ever come from them God. Of course we know blaming never isn't a good way to solves everything anything but at least they can feel releasing in a but to release frustation at the moment.

Do you think that What do you think[Of just simply, "Your thoughts?"]

Good flow.
