Carlos Reyes
Rules for citizens. In order to avoid polution, vehicles with their registration number finishing in an odd number are permitted to drive along on the odd days except the 31st and vehicles with their registration number finishing in an even number are permitted to drive along on the even days. As regards the 31st, the odd months except january will be able to drive along vehicles with their registration number finishing in an odd number and the even months will be able to drive along vehicles with their registration number finishing in an even number. As regards the 31st of january, all the vehicles are permitted to drive along.
2015年4月19日 16:00
修改 · 2

Rules for citizens

In order to decrease avoid pollution polution, vehicles whose with their registration number ends finishing in an odd number are permitted to drive along on all the odd days except the 31st, and vehicles whose with their registration number ends finishing in an even number are permitted to drive along on the even days.
Regarding As regards the 31st, in the odd months excluding except January, vehicles whose with their registration number ends finishing in an odd number are will be able to drive.  along vehicles with their registration number finishing in an odd number and the In even months, will be able to drive along vehicles whose with their registration number ends finishing in an even number are able to drive.
Regarding As regards the 31st of January, all the vehicles are permitted to drive along.
