What i have learned from Coori so far... my first day! Coori is a Japanese learning site Numbers いち に さん よん ご ろく なな or しち はち きゅう じゅう ひゃく せん おく one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, thousand ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku, nana or shichi, hachi, kyuu, jyuu, sen, oku Family members いもうと おとうと おにいさん おとうさん おかあさん little sister, little brother, big brother, big sister, dad, mom imouto, otouto, oniisan, oneesan, otousan, okaasan Roles だいがくせい べんごし だいがくいんせい こうこうせい いしゃ しゅふ かいしゃいん ぶんがく  university student, lawer, graduate student, high school student, medical doctor, house wife, company employee, literature daigakusei, bengoshi, daigakuinsei, koukousei, isha, shufu, kaishain, bungaku
2015年4月21日 18:05
修改 · 3

It need to add man(10,000).

So Counting Large number in Japanese,It' different from English.The point is 4-digit unit.


Ex 123,456,789 →1 2345 6789

It's called: ichi-oku ni-sen san-byaku yon-jyuu go MAN  roku-sen nana-hyaku hachi-jyuu go


I'm bad at counting large number in English.
