Blog entry Thanks for following this not politically correct blog. It has been a long time since I’ve writen anything and I know you are anxious about reading this new entry. Have you ever wondered how many hours we spend every month due to modern tecnologies.Do you think that the pros overcome to the cons. It is clear that the use of new Technologies has changed the World fostering the relationships between all of us, for example I am used to chatting or speaking with people abroad to improve my english, it is a goldem opportunity to knowing different cultures. I even know any case where a virtual friendship turned into real by means of marriage or cultural exchanges. Nowadays we are saving a lot of Money thank e-mail or whatsapp program, on the other hand I know that companies such CORREOS are firing a lot of people due to the lack of work. It is said that we have lost our privacy, anybody can know a lot of details about us surfing the net, although we have trying delete it. Last but not least , I am thinking about how large deal of junk mail we receive every day, how many request of friendship we are receiving in our networks accounts that we dont desire or how many hours we spend browsing cheesy and useless webpages.
2015年5月19日 14:12
修改 · 3

Blog entry

Thanks for following this not politically correct blog. It has been a long time since I’ve written anything and I know you are anxious about reading this new entry.

Have you ever wondered how many hours we spend every month due to using modern technology? Do you think that the pros outweigh overcome to the cons? 

It is clear that the use of new technology has changed the world, fostering the relationships between all of us, for example I am used to chatting or speaking with people abroad to improve my English. It is a golden opportunity to knowing learn about different cultures. I even know any cases where online virtual friendships turned into real by means of marriage or cultural exchange.

Nowadays we are saving a lot of money thanks to e-mail or whatsapp program, On the other hand I know that companies such as CORREOS are firing a lot of people due to the lack of work.

It is said that we have lost our privacy. Anybody can know a lot of details about us by surfing the net, although we have are trying to delete it. Last but not least , I am thinking about how the large deal amount of junk mail we receive every day, how the many friend requests friendship we are receive in our networks accounts that we don't desire or how many hours we spend browsing cheesy and useless websites. 

There is a lot here I agree with! 
