Life in Few Words (what is the meaning of life?) Firstly, what is life? Does this sound like a strange question? Of course, we all know what is meant by the word "life", but how would you define it? Secondly, people like to say that life is hard to define. Therefore, life is the state of being alive as a human . Furthermore, life is a series of contradictions. In other words, life is to be sad and happy; to be ill and healthy; to be rich and poor; to be good and bad, and to be alive, and death. Sometimes, you feel that you are strange although you live with people. Additionally, not all people are good, and not all people are bad. Not all people like you, and not all people hate you. So, you need to denote the exact meaning of life to be friend to others. Moreover, people like to spend time with others who are similar to them. Sometimes, you need to act the way that people around you are acting. And, strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. Additionally, when you try to do something great, some people will get angry. Do not care about those people; try to focus on the good results. This means that if you need to do something, do it now. Thus, life is an adventure. Life teaches me to be helpful, but I have to be careful because there are some people who are resourceful. Eventually, we can say that life= how to deal with people. Always remeber to smile because life is smile :) All I can say about life "enjoy it" ^_^
2015年6月28日 01:28
修改 · 3
Thank you very much sweetheart. You are always the best ;) :)
Very well written, mashAllah :) I hope it'll be corrected soon.
I would be very grateful if I get a correction to this passage. Thanks in advance.