Michiko M
Today's news Today, one of a guy killed by himself. I don't know the resson. But to get me shock things was the guy got something like an oil from top of his head and fired in bullet train(Shinkansen) which was moving. And the worst things was two peoples who was on the train fetched a lot of smoke and died even they didn't want to be. Recently like this strange trouble has happend many times in Japan.
2015年6月30日 15:02
修改 · 10

Today's News.

Today, one of a guy killed by himself. I don't know the reason why.But to get me What shocked me the most about this things was the guy got used something like an oil from and poured it on top of his head, Set himself on fire while on a moving bullet train (Shinkansen). which while it was moving. And the worst thing was two people who was on the train fetched inhaled a lot of smoke and died even though they didn't want to. be. Recently like this strange events like this trouble has happend many times in Japan.


Alternative ^ ^

And the worst thing about this incident, was two inocent people inhaled lot of smoke and sadly died.  

Hope this helps you Michiko :)


Wow, I am really impressed with such a sad article. I hope your shock disappear shortly. Sorry about that. :(
It's awful.

Today's News

Today, one of a guy killed by himself. I don't know the reason. But what shocked me  to get me shock things was the guy got had something like an oil from on the top of his head and fired in the moving bullet train(Shinkansen) which was moving. And The worst things was that two passengers peoples who was on the train fetched breathed in a lot of smoke and died too. even they didn't want to be. Recently, like this strange things like this have been happening  trouble has happend many times in Japan.

Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness...