formal report TED In the report, Nasser told us that a few years ago, his mother had a chronic pain caused by a disease. He wanted to do something for this problem, although he did not know how.Then, he found a fantastic story of a man who saved millions of people from pain, people like his mother. Nasser never heard this man, there were not biographies, Hollywood movies. His name was John Jay Benica, one day in 1941 there were people in a circus to see clowns, strong man and so on. In a particular day, a man from the staff of the circus shouted, he needed a doctor, because a lion was killing him. His head was stuck inside the lion's mouth, but a few minutes later the strong man went to open the lion's mouth and to save him. Continue...
2015年7月4日 20:55
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formal report TED

In the report, Nasser told us that a few years ago, his mother had a 1*chronic pain caused by a 1*disease. He wanted to do something for about this problem, although he did not know how.Then, he found a fantastic story of a man who had saved millions of people from pain, people like his mother. Nasser never heard of this man, there were not biographies, Hollywood movies. His name was John Jay Benica, one day in 1941 there were people went2* in a circus to see clowns, the strong man and so on. In On a particular day, a man from the staff of the circus shouted, he needed a doctor, because a lion was killing him. His head was stuck inside the lion's mouth, but a few minutes later the strong man went to open the lion's mouth and to save him. to be Continued...


1* - in both cases 'a' is possible but more usually they are used without the article.

2* 'were in' a circus, but with the prepostion 'to' the verb 'go' is better.
