Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? It's something someone thought up to illustrate something illogical within the English language. But really, this is very logical. It makes perfect sense. Most driveways are at a bit of an incline in relation to the house or building. In addition to this, they usually have a sidewalk running in front of them, between where the car parks and the street or road. So in order to park a car on one, you have to drive over this gap of about maybe six feet and you also have to drive up the incline. Parkways are different from expressways, turnpikes, motorways, etc. Or at least they are a specific type of this. They have stuff in their design so that they are a little more scenic and pleasant to drive on. Sharper curves, grassy medians, bridges designed by architects, landscaped edges, and so on. So they look a bit like a park, hence the name. But of course there are other things in English that make no sense whatsoever. And I feel like I'm spoiling the fun of whoever thought this up.
2015年7月7日 23:38
修改 · 4
Hello Alex, Very interesting. I like it.
If you cleave something in two, you cut it in two pieces If you cleave to something, you stick to it. Don't blame me. I just speak English - I didn't invent it. ;-)
That wasn't the point.
Umm... I see 0 mistakes. Looks like your english in written form is pretty superb.