Bianca Abel
Home Office Today I didn't go to my work's office because the city where I live it is without police and any kind of security. The bus that I take to go there it isn't working, some banks are closed and lots of public departments to. All of It is happening because the government didn't pay their employees as it should be, so today we are at home, waiting for "the dust settle" (as we said in Brazil "a poeira baixar" :p ).
2015年8月3日 15:39
修改 · 10

Home Office

Today I didn't go to my work's office, because the city where I live is doesn't have police or any kind of security. The bus that I take to go there isn't working, some banks are closed, and lots of public departments are closed too. 
It is all happening because the government didn't pay their employees as it should, so today we are at home waiting for "the dust to settle" (as we say in Brazil "a poeira baixar" :p ).


Home Office

Today I did not go to my work's office because, the city where I live, is without police and any kind of security. The bus that I take to go to work it is not working, some banks are closed, and lots of public departments too.
All of It is happening because the government did not pay their employees as it should be. So, today we are at home waiting for "the dust settle" (as we said in Brazil "a poeira baixar" :p ).


Home Office

Today I didn't go to my work's the office because the city where I live it is without police and any kind of security. The bus that I take to go there wasn't it isn't working, some banks are closed and lots of public departments too.
All of It this is happening because the government didn't pay their employees as it should have be, so today we are at home, waiting for "the dust to settle" (as we said say in Brazil "a poeira baixar" :p ).


Home Office

Today I didn't go to my work's office because the city where I live it is without police and any kind of security. The bus that I take to go there it isn't working, some banks are closed and lots of public departments to.
All of It is happening because the government didn't pay their employees as it should be, so today we are at home, waiting for "the dust settle" (as we said in Brazil "a poeira baixar" :p ).


I did not go to my office (1) today, because the city, where I live, was (2) without the police (on the streets) and any kind of security. The bus that I (usually) go by (3) was not working, some banks were (4) closed and a lot of public departments too (5) 

All of that was  happening because The Govenment (6) did not pay its employees as it should have done (7), and that is way (8) we were at home, waitnig " the dust to sattle" .


(1) Nâo precisa de dizer "work's office. Melhor ordem das palavras.

(2) Fala sobre o passado!

(3) Andar de ônibus.

(4) Passado.

(5) too= também

(6) Fala sonre um govermento conhecido.

(7) Melhor tempo verbal.

(8) Melhor dito !


Espero que ajudei.


Unfortunately yes. I don't know if it's happening all over the country, but here where I live, at south Brazil it is :/