A cockatiel in the garage Today my dad found a cockatiel lost in our garage. He have been pecked while he was trying to catch the bird. Finally we catch the poor bird and locked him in a cage. I don't like to see birds locked in cages, they seem sad and completely without freedom. - birds have wings to fly not to spend trey lives caged. Hours after a man appeared calling for the bird. The birds was completely ecstatic when he saw the man, he recognized his owner. The said he is the owner of the bird and finally he take the bird with him. My dad always talk to us about to have a cockatiel like that one, but my mother and I don't like to have birds at home, locked in a cage.
2015年8月29日 19:18
修改 · 2

A cockatiel in the garage

Today my dad found a cockatiel lost in our garage. He was pecked while he was trying to catch the bird.

Finally we caught the poor bird and locked him in a cage. I don't like to see birds locked in cages, they seem sad and completely without freedom. -- birds have wings to fly not to spend their lives locked in a cage.

A few hours later, a man appeared calling for the bird. The birds was completely ecstatic when he saw the man, as he recognized his owner. He said he is the owner of the bird and so he took the bird with him.

My dad always talks to us about having a cockatiel like that one, but my mother and I don't like to have birds at home, especially locked in a cage.


Bom trabalho! Seu inglés é muito bom! E eu me alegro que o pássaro encontrou seu dono!
