Axa Agtiera
ITALIAN CLITIC PRONOUN (MI, TI, LO, GLI, LA, LE, CI, VI, LI, SI, NE) ????? Honestly italian clitic pronoun has driven me crazy. It's quite hard to understand. Would you please give me each of the clitic pronoun bellow an example in Italian complete with the translation in English.. I really want to understand all the usage of the clitic pronoun bellow. here below the table: person tonic direct clitic indirec clitic 1st singular me mi mi 2nd singular te ti ti 3rd singular m lui lo gli 3rd singular f lei la le 1st plural noi ci ci 2nd plural voi vi vi 3rd plural loro li (gli) Reflexive se si si Of place ci / vi Partitive ne #please give me each of the clitic pronoun below the example 1. Mi ............................................ 2. Ti .............................................. 3. lo......................................... 4. la.................................. 5. Gli................................... 6. le.................................... 7. Ci........................................ 8. vi....................................... 9. li................................................... Grazie mille
2015年10月13日 15:21
修改 · 9

1. Mi sono dimenticato le chiavi. I fogot keys.

2. Ti ho scritto ieri, ma non ho ricevuto risposta. Yesterday I wrote to you, but I haven't got answer.
3. lo - Diglielo. Tell him.
4. la - Prenditela comoda! Take in easy.
5. Gli - Gli ho gia dato i soldi. I've already given money to them.
6. le - Raccontale una fiaba. Say to her a tale.
7. Ci - Ci vogliamo incontrare domani? Do we want meet each other tomorrow?
8. vi - Vi aspetto a braccia aperte! I wait you at open arms.
9. li - Li ho chiamati. I've called them. - Lui si sta vestendo. He is getting dressed.


sorry for my english translation! :D

Grazie mille


Well, I don't have a very clear grammar explanation, but I can provide you few examples.


The clitic pronouns can stay alone, for example in --> TI amo = I love YOU


or they can stay together with the verb. Look this example -->

Mangia la mela. = Eat the apple.

If we don't want to repeate the word "apple" we can say, in English as in Italian, -->

Eat IT. = MangiaLA.

That "LA" is therefore the object pronoun referred to "mela", that it is replaced by "LA" because of its being feminine (LA mela).


You can apply the same rule to all the others:

- MI ha parlato = He spoke to ME

- TI amo = I love YOU

- PrendiLO = Take IT (Usually referred to something you talked about earlier, for example "Take the umbrella")

- DiGLIeLO --> That's pretty difficoult. The situation may be: I am talking to my brother about a secret. Our father comes and my brother asks me to tell him the secret. My brother can ask me

--> Tell him (my father) it (the secret) = Diglielo (where -GLI stands for "A LUI" so "our father" and "-LO" for "IT, the secret").


I hope it will help somehow!

Well, I don't have a very clear grammar explanation, but I can provide you few examples. The clitic pronouns can stay alone, for example in --> TI amo = I love YOU or they can stay together with the verb. Look this example --> Mangia la mela. = Eat the apple. If we don't want to repeate the word "apple" we can say, in English as in Italian, --> Eat IT. = MangiaLA. That "LA" is therefore the object pronoun referred to "mela", that it is replaced by "LA" because of its being feminine (LA mela). You can apply the same rule to all the others: - MI ha parlato = He spoke to ME - TI amo = I love YOU - PrendiLO = Take IT (Usually referred to something you talked about earlier, for example "Take the umbrella") - DiGLIeLO --> That's pretty difficoult. The situation may be: I am talking to my brother about a secret. Our father comes and my brother asks me to tell him the secret. My brother can ask me --> Tell him (my father) it (the secret) = Diglielo (where -GLI stands for "A LUI" so "our father" and "-LO" for "IT, the secret"). I hope it will help somehow!