Hello dear Students und Tutors! I try to improve my speaking skills. Many years ago I used to speak English (British Accent) quite fluent. It would be great to become fluent again. I speak Ukrainian, Russian and German on C1-C2 Level. As a talkative and very curious person I'm able to discuss almost every topic. Let's practice together!
2024年4月29日 14:56
回答 · 2
Hello Sevil! Wow! You are an amazing polyglot! I'm a native speaker of English from California. I speak several languages as well. I am learning Ukrainian but taking a break until the summer. In the summer, I will probably be interested in practicing Ukrainian with you If you would like to practice English, we have a (free) English conversation group for Ukrainians that meets twice a week on Skype, at 1500 Kyiv time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a very small group, and we focus on pronunciation and idioms. If you're interested send me a text and I'll provide you with a link to our classes See you soon! / Val
2024年5月14日 13:19
practice -- noun, practise - verb
2024年5月1日 10:23