Hey,good day for you. what’s the correct meaning of this sentence?  He’s a kind and caring father, quite different from his own. Does that mean he’s quite different from his quality as he is a father?
2024年5月1日 00:13
回答 · 8
It means that he is a kind and caring father and that he did not have a kind and caring father when he was a child.
2024年5月1日 13:10
For clarity, I will call the man X and his own father Y. "Different from his own" is an adjective phrase that modifies "father". Thus, the sentence says that "X is different from Y". The sentence also says X is kind and caring. Since the sentence says X is different from Y, that suggests that Y was perhaps not kind and caring. However, that is only a suggestion. The sentence does not actually say that Y was not kind and caring.
2024年5月1日 13:01
His father wasn't caring but he, being a father, is very caring.
2024年5月1日 09:44
Thank you guys! I was a bit overthinking for that 🤣.
2024年5月1日 03:26
Okay, let's call this "he" Alex. "Alex is a kind and caring father, quite different from his own." This sentence implies that Alex's father was NOT kind and caring.
2024年5月1日 02:22