Michael Barratt, NASA Astronaut, said, "We wanted to carry on that heritage, …… Michael Barratt, NASA Astronaut, said, "We wanted to carry on that heritage, the legacy of that name, and I think this Discovery has done that with flying colours. She retires with all of the honours and dignity due any of those ships that made great discoveries. " what does "flying colours"mean here?
2011年5月10日 03:21
回答 · 3
The expression 'to do something with flying colours' means to successfully achieve a difficult objective or when we say 'to pass with flying colours' with reference to an exam or test we mean to get a very high mark or grade. The expression originates from the days of great sea battles when a victorious fleet of ships would return to their home port with flags flying from all the masts as a signal of their victory/triumph.
You can pass your exams with flying colours = get super high scores pass the test with flying colours
it means to succeed something easily. For example, he passed his exams with flying colours.