حية و ثعبان the two words have the same meaning ————snake ????? or, is there any thing other meang? plz make some example sentences shokran jazilan
2011年5月13日 15:29
回答 · 8
I don't think that there is a considerable difference in meaning and they could be used interchangeably.
هناك فرق بين الحية والثعبان الحية وتسمى كذلك الأفعى تكون عادة صغيرة ولونها يختلف عن لون الثعبان أما الثعبان ( الثعابين) فتكون كبيرة يمكن أن نفرق بين الثعبان والأفعى كذلك في طريقة وآثر المشي إذا لم تفهم سأحول أن أشرح لك بالإنجليزية
hello, حية و ثعبان : they are from small kind, but : حية : is very smaller then ثعبان
hello, حية و ثعبان : they are from small kind, but : حية : is very smaller then ثعبان this appears in the holy Quoran, and ther´s an a lot of improves that they are not the same, if u are really interested i can explain more to you.
look, there's two opinions about that. 1- الحيه is the kind refers to the crawlers type which is snake while ثعبان refers to it's sex male or female. 2- the other saying is that ثعبان is great huge snake while حيه is just a snake hope this helps :)
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