Hesham 何思瀚
小酒窝 歌词。。。求解释 小酒窝常见到 迷人的无可救药 我放慢了步调 感觉像是盒资料 终于找到心有理智的美好 盒资料,理智 是什么意思? 谢谢啊
2011年8月24日 21:22
回答 · 6
It should be: 小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药 我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了 终于找到心有灵犀的美好 无可救药:incurable Here, it means, the girl has 小酒窝,长睫毛,which are so attractive to the boy. The boy seems to be addicted to her beauty. This kind of addiction is incurable. Another example could be: Sam is very very lazy. His mom told him to study hard but he can't do that. Her mom might say: 你真是无可救药了! 心有灵犀: For example: When you are considering to call me, you receive my call. You could say:" 我正想打给你呢,我们真是心有灵犀啊!” It means we know what each other's thinking about.
谢谢你的答案 哈哈 我在中国时听人的手机铃声是这个,觉得蛮好听,回家以后我就上了这个网站 http://www.midomi.com/ , 可以用你的声音搜索歌曲,就找到了 呵呵 反正我还不会唱
not 盒资料 its 喝醉了 in english someone was drunk . 但是,在歌词里面。它有更深的一层含义是 he feel very merrily and sweet 心有灵犀(xīn yǒu líng xī),not 心有理智 it means heart to heart i wanna ask ,how do you know this song ))))) can you sing it ;P