Ctalan grammar I am very confused about Catalan's grammar .here:Jo comprava moltes llaminadures /He comprat moltes llaminadures. I know sth has been done in those 2 sentences ..but not clear enough .so could you please tell me what the diffence between them? thank you ! Laura
2012年6月29日 16:49
回答 · 3
Hi, Laura. "Jo comprava moltes llaminadures" would be "I was buying a lot of sweets" in English. "He comprat moltes llaminadures" would be "I have bought a lot of sweets". Gori
Here are more past tenses: Plusquanperfet d’Indicatiu (Pretèrit Plusquantperfet) - És el temps amb el qual s’expressa una acció passada, no acabada, anterior a una altra (aspecte perfectiu) [Jo havia dinat quan vas arribar]. Passat simple (Pretèrit perfet simple) És el temps amb el qual s’expressa una acció passada i acabada (aspecte perfectiu). En la major part del domini territorial de la llengua catalana, el passat simple només s’usa en els usos formals i escrits. Passat anterior (Pretèrit anterior) i passat anterior perfràstic (Pretèrit anterior compost) És el temps amb el qual s’expressa una acció passada, no acabada, immediata i anterior a una altra (aspecte perfectiu) [Tant bon punt va haver acabat l’acte, marxà].
This is a subject within the realm of "temps verbals". You may want to do a Goggle search to find out more. Here is what I found: In Catalan, there are three main tenses (in the indicative) that are used for events in the past: the imperfect, the preterite, and the perfect, see below. Imperfect (pretèrit Imperfet) – when the event or state occurred continuously or repeatedly over a period of time. Anava al gimnàs cada dissabte. I went to the gym every Saturday. Preterite (passat periphrastic) – when the event or state occurred at a point in time and it occurred in an interval which has ended and which does not include today. L'any passat vaig traslladar-me a Barcelona. Last year I moved to Barcelona. Perfect (perfet o pretèrit Indefinit) – when the event or state occurred at a point in time and it occurred today or in an interval (week, month, year, etc.) which includes today. Avui m'he despertat a les sis. Today I woke up at six. Hope it helps. Cheers!