How similar are the Nordic languages from each other Can Danes, Icelandic people, Swedes, Finns, and Norwegians understand each other? I heard someone from Sweden say that there were minor language differences and that he could understand his bordering languages, but is that true for all of them?
2012年9月2日 23:14
回答 · 6
My understanding is that Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are similar in language. Remember that Norway was part of Sweden until 1905. Iceland must be the same. Finland is a horse of a different color. The Finnish language is not Latin-based, and it is quite difficult for those influenced by Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian).
do you have what sap, skipe? write i learning english
I guess you mean similar to each other.
Danish, Icelandic, Swedish and Norwegian language (Scandinavian languages) are all North Germanic languages and more or less close to each other. Finnish in other hand belongs to Finnic group of Uralic language family and is only close to Estonian language. Swedish is the second official language in Finland and hence Finns often also understand Scandinavian languages, but it's more rare for Scandinavian people to understand Finnish, as it's not mandatory (or to be honest - easy) to learn for them.
Finnish is completely different from the other scandinavian languages. I speak finnish, but can't understand a word of swedish, norwegian or dutch.
阿姆哈拉语, 阿拉伯语, 英语, 海地克里奥尔语, 印地语, 日语, 韩语, 西班牙语, 柏柏尔语(塔马塞特语)
阿姆哈拉语, 阿拉伯语, 海地克里奥尔语, 印地语, 日语, 韩语, 西班牙语, 柏柏尔语(塔马塞特语)