日本語で、「he/she doesn't care about something」はどう言うの? 日本語で、「he doesn't care about something」はどう言うの? たとえば: He doesn't care about speaking the truth. (in the sense that he's gonna tell the truth, no matter what). He doesn't care about his friends. He doesn't care about studying. ありがとう!
2012年11月8日 08:49
回答 · 2
He doesn't care about speaking the truth. (in the sense that he's gonna tell the truth, no matter what). If I translate it directly, it is going to be かれは 真実を 話すことに ついて 気にしない。 In more natural Japanese, かれには 真実を 話すかどうかなど どうでもよい。 He doesn't care about his friends. かれは ともだちの ことを 気にかけない。means ともだちの ことなど どうでもよい。 He doesn't care about studying. かれは べんきょうすることに かんしんが ない。 I think "He / She doesn't care about ~" can be translated in some Japanese meanings, depends on the situations. Hope it helps you.
関係ない。 気がしない。