a question based on some sentences. Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), who escaped from slavery, became an author and publisher and was internationally known for his instrumental role in the abolitionist movement. In spite of the ridicule that various newspapers aimed at the women's movement, Frederick Douglass continued to lend it his active support. Indeed, few women's rights conventions were held during the 1850's at which Douglass was not a featured speaker and whose proceedings were not fully reported in his paper. Invariably, the notice would be accompanied by an editorial comment hailing the meeting and expressing the editor's hope that it "will have a powerful effect on the public's mind." In 1853, when Douglass was considering changing the name of his newspaper, he rejected the proposed title, The Brotherhood, because it "implied the exclusion of the sisterhood." He called it Frederick Douglass' Paper, and underneath the tide were the words "All Rights For All!" Q:The discussion of the naming of Douglass' newspaper ( In 1853, when Douglass was considering changing the name of his newspaper, he rejected the proposed title, The Brotherhood, because it "implied the exclusion of the sisterhood." He called it Frederick Douglass' Paper, and underneath the tide were the words "All Rights For All!" ) suggests that Douglass was (A) very effective at persuading others to adopt his point of view (B) more committed to women's rights than he was to other reform movements (C) concerned that his paper not receive the same kind of ridicule that women• s rights publications had (D) a reformer who recognized the similarity among the goals of different causes (E) eager to publicize the recent successes of the women's rights movement Which choice would you like to choose? and why?
2012年11月13日 04:54
回答 · 1
Not A) There's no evidence in the article that he persuades others. Not B) No evidence of favoritism. Not C) His rejection of a proposed name was not based on fear of ridicule. D) He supported both abolitionist and women's rights causes. "All rights for all" Not E) He did support the women's movement, but the article doesn't speak of him publicizing it.