Why would you say that? 心静自然凉 A wrote a diary about how the weather is too hot and I can't sleep at night. Someone wrote a comment 心静自然凉. I looked it up and it is an idiom which translates as 'a calm heart keeps you cool'. I'm sorry, but I cannot see why they would use it here. My heart was calm, it has nothing to do with the temperature outside, nor can a heart control the weather. Why would they say that here? I must be missing something because it makes no sense to me at all. What is the story behind this saying?Are they trying to say, if you stay calm, you won't be affected by the heat? I can't believe that either, because it's not true. Oh, I'm so confused by this.
2013年7月8日 00:56
回答 · 10
心里平静,内心就凉快——这是本义(literal sense)。以前白居易去拜访一个禅师(Chan master),白居易觉得天气热,但禅师说说一点儿也不热,很凉快。后来白居易写了一首诗《题恒寂师禅寺》。后来 引申(evolve)为以一颗平常心(a normal attitude)去处理(deal with)生活中的各种问题与困难。 打个比方,天气很热,但是如果一直抱怨(complain)这个坏天气,让自己变得很浮躁(fickleness),那自己就会更不耐烦,从主观(subjectivity)就会感到更热,但如果静下来看看书或者下棋,就会感到比较平静,这样尽管(although)天气仍然很热,但主观上就会感到不怎么热了,或者说已经忘了这样热的天气了,不去在乎他了。 ”心静自然凉“指的是主观,而并非客观(objectivity),要冷静下来,积极地应对困难,不让自己焦躁不安(fretful),以(to)克服困难、挫折,以平常心去对待。
心静 a peaceful mind, 心静自然凉 used to describe the calm nature of a person. when someone encountered some problems or troubles,frustration, he could deal with it calmly. that's where it should be used. in your case, we do use 心静自然凉 a lot, more like a joke:”calm down, then you will feel cool“ scientificly speaking, not wrong, because when you are anxious or irritable, your body is more active and consume more energy, that's how heat is generated in your body :)
So long as one keeps calm, one doesn't feel the heat too much.you will feel better not feel too hot as before, but it doesn't mean you feel hot not at all. 人人避暑走如狂,独有禅师不出房; 非是禅房无热到,为人心静身即凉。 ————《苦热题恒寂师禅室》(唐)白居易
it's not ur heart, it's ur mood. it means keep a cool mood then u can feel cool.