Yong Choi
What does "goal-driven" means? Hi there ? I'm preparing English job interview . today , I faced with this sentence "Would you describe yourself as goal-driven ?" Is there anybody help to understand goal-driven ? mm.. Does it means "Do you have enough power or passion to meet the goal", right ?
2008年6月13日 06:56
回答 · 6
"Goal-driven" means that one is motivated by setting specific target objectives--that is, one is driven (motivated) by goals. If a person is like this, for example, he or she will work harder when there are deadlines to meet. So, it doesn't exactly mean "Do you have enough power or passion to meet the goal?" I would say the question means something like "Do goals provide you an extra incentive to work hard?"
Goal driven means when you have a definite purpose in life, you do whatever it takes to meet that purpose and don't drift.
If they ask you this, just say YES - and explain how you have overcome problems to achieve some goals in life to show you are goal driven for e.g. learning English, meeting sales targets etc!!! Hope this helps
goal driven?? hmmm.. 4 me? you set your mind to your goal...
Goal driven means: a purposeful person, an achiever a person committed to the goals and objectives of the company a hardworking person ,purpose driven even in the face of challenges ......st