Meaning of "khỏi" in "Ra khỏi nhà" Quick question, what is the meaning of "khỏi" in "Ra khỏi nhà". Since it translates into "Leave home" --> "Exit from home", it appears to have the meaning of the preposition "from". So I guess it might be only used with places? Saying simply "Ra nhà" would mean to exit a place (not specified) to "enter" a home? Cảm ơn rất nhiều!
2014年3月5日 16:27
回答 · 6
It's collocation. If you leave your home, you should use that word. It's the somewhat the same if you're back to your place. For ex: Get out of my house = Ra khỏi nhà tôi (request) Come into my house = Vào nhà tôi (request)
khỏi is nonsense, it needs to come after "ra". " ra khỏi" means leave where you are staying or standing. In vietnamese, some words can't stand along. it needs go with another one in order to make sense. EX: "mệt quá" = too tired; if you just say "quá" everyone can't get it. you can't say "ra nhà:" it makes no sense but ones will understand if you say "ra khỏi nhà" = leave home.
""khỏi" in sentence is meaning :"go out the home", informal, "khỏi" is meaning hết một tình trạng nào đó. For example : Tôi đã khỏi bệnh.
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