Wu Ting
How would you explain ‘conejillos de Indias’? Women sell figs and roses, eggs and sausages, chickens and cheese, racks of dressed rabbits, even live birds in cages like the market in Coyoacán. One woman sells conejillos de Indias. Bull’s Eye says they are not called Indian rabbits here, but Guinean pigs. He has no good explanation for it, and agrees they are probably more rabbit than pig. How would you explain ‘conejillos de Indias’? Thanks!
2014年3月12日 13:37
回答 · 3
I didn't understand your question but I'll tell you what does that mean in Spanish. "Conejillo de Indias" is a mamal used for an experiment, but also is what we say to refer something that is being used as that. I don't know wether I've answered your question or nor, but I tried!
It's an animal http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/conejillo-de-indias-2332161.jpg In other contexts (not this one) people call "conejillos de Indias" to those people who take part in medical experiments, which can usually be risky.
En sentido literal, es un mamífero roedor que se suele utilizar en experimentos (Cavia porcellus). También se le llama "cobaya" En sentido figurado, la persona o las personas con las que se experimenta algo.