What does it mean? ironic fashion statements Hipsters are known for many things: ironic fashion statements, pretentious attitudes and a carefully curated social media presence. They possess a constantly updated library of obscure bands to love when their current favorite gets too popular to be cool anymore. And they take their food very seriously.
2014年4月21日 05:15
回答 · 2
I did a little search (plus images) on the phrase for some clearer examples. As far as I can tell, an ironic fashion statement is usually a piece of clothing with some humorous design on it. http://www.snorgtees.com/ has a number of them. That just looked like an ad, didn't it? :D
A 'fashion statement' is when you wear something that is intended to be noticed by other people. An ironic fashion statement is one where there is some irony involved in the choice of items. I'm far from a fashionable person, but I guess it might be something like the contrast of a pair of patched, threadbare pants, with a pristine white shirt?