Wu Ting
How would you explain ‘the Evil Eye’ in the context? Sometimes when the Painter is reading over the day’s typing, there’s time to look at the books in his library. The whole wall is shelves. On the bottom are Frida’s wooden-spined box folders where she files the household papers. Each one she has identified with a picture drawn on its spine: a naked woman, for Diego’s personal letters. The Evil Eye, for hers. The one for accounting has only a dollar sign. How would you explain ‘the Evil Eye’ in the context? It is capitalized. Is it a proper noun? Thanks!
2014年4月24日 12:59
回答 · 2
Yeah, I was going to say that the sentence "I saw her on campus yesterday and she gave me the evil eye." means that she stared at you like she was wishing that you would die or be harmed.... either through magic or some other means like a car accident, etc.
Yes, it is a proper noun. From the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: the evil eye noun [singular] the magic power to harm somebody by looking at them symbols to ward off the evil eyeto give somebody the evil eye (= to look at somebody and harm them by doing so)