This & That (Isto é isso) How do you know when to use the right this or that? Isto? este? Isso? esse? Aquele? Aquelo? I understand the masculine and feminine differences between este ad esta, but I'm confused on which of the two you have to use above for different situations. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
2014年7月9日 19:26
回答 · 5
1) Translation ISTO = "this thing" or "these things" ISSO = "that thing" or "those things" AQUILO = "that thing" or "those things" ESTE = "This" (ESTES = "These") ESSE = "That" (ESSES = "Those") AQUELE = "That" (AQUELES = "Those") 3)Situations when speak ISTO is used for a thing or things that are close to the speaker. ISSO is used for a thing or things that are close to the listener. AQUILO is used for a thing or things that are distant from both the speaker and the listener. ESTE is used for a person or a thing that is close to the speaker. ESSE is used for a person or a thing that is close to the listener. AQUELE is used for a person or a thing that is distant from both the speaker and the listener. 2) Some considerations when write ISTO is used for things you're about to write. ISSO is used for things you've already said or written. ISTO, ISSO and AQUILO are used when there is no noun (e.g. "Isso é bacana") ESSE, ESTE and AQUELE usually are used with nouns or adjectives (e.g. "Esta casa")