تذهب او ذاهبة Hello what's the difference between هي تذهب إلى and هي ذاهبة إلى ? Thank you !
2014年8月22日 10:28
回答 · 18
Here's my explanation: هي تذهب: The word " تذهب" is a verb usually represent the meaning of present simple in English. She goes to school everyday= هي تذهب إلي المدرسة كل يوم عنما تذهب إلي هناك تشعر بالحزن= When she goes there, she feels sad. 2. هي ذاهبة : The word " ذاهبة" is "اسم فاعل" or sth like an adjective in English, It can represent too many tenses according to the context. هي ذاهبة إلي المدرسة الآن = She is going to school now -> present continuous رأت كلبا وهي ذاهبة إلي المدرسة = She saw a dog when she was going to school -> past continuous اتركها تنام فهي ذاهبة الي العمل غدا باكراً = Let her sleep, She is going work early tomorrow. -> future It can also represent your intention or plans أنا ذاهبة للمطعم Hope that helps ^_^
How are you Sarah^-^ When you want to say to the feminine that she wanted to go somewhere, you say هي تذهب الى مكان ما This sentence هي ذاهبة incorrect so when you want to say about yourself you are going to somewhere you say انا ذاهبة The same thing for the masculine هو يذهب انا ذاهب
There is no what is called in Arabic present continuous. هي تذهب she going now, and she still going ذاهبة you say that you are going
هي تذهب إلى... =She goes to... هي ذاهبة إلى... =She's going to... The second sentence is present continuous.
"تذهب" a verb in the present form of the verb "`ذهب". Alfe3l almodare3 الفعل'' المضارع'' 'shows continuity'. It indicates present, future or past tenses according to some tense words that go with it. هى تذهب إلى المدرسة* she goes to school. هى لن تذهب الى المدرسة غدا: المستقبل future she will not go to school tomorrow. هى ستذهب الى المدرسة الاسبوع القادم: المستقبل future she is going to go to school next week. هى لم تذهب الى المدرسة أمس:الماضى past she did not go to school yesterday. هى تأكل الان :الحال present she is eating now. "ذاهِبــة" (ismol fa3el اسم الفاعل) a noun derived from the verb "ذهب" . In certain conditions it replaces the verb in the present tense. Similarity "ismol fa3el اسم الفاعل" when it indicates "الحَال او الإستقْبال" present or future occurrence, It can replace its verb فعله المضارع - besides other conditions -. الان أو فى المستقبل* "هى ذاهبه الان" المقصود بها "هى تذهب الان" هى ذاهبه غدا = هى ستذهب غدا Further examples : هو قارئٌ الدرسَ هو يقرأُ الدرسَ يقرأ الدرس : read a lesson أرَى رجلاً يركبُ سيارةً أرَى رجلاً راكباً سيارةً أرى : I see يركب سيارة: in a car أخوكَ كاتمٌ سرَ اصدقائِه أخوكَ يكتمُ سرَ اصدقائِه يكتم سر : keep a secret