Reading comprehension question And Apple has a long history of taking good ideas with obviously huge markets, and being the first manufacturer to really nail the execution. the sentence above is from apple iphone text. I dont understand what does 1. "taking good ideas with obviously huge markets" mean 2. "nail the exectuion" mean Thanks in advance.
2014年9月17日 10:48
回答 · 2
To nail something is to get it really right, or do it exceptionally well. If you nail a test it means you passed it with distinctions. So nailing the execution here means that Apple gets the design of the product so right that everyone wants one .
1. It means Apple takes a good idea, like an MP3 player, which a lot of people want to buy (huge markets). 2. This means that Apple sells the idea really well. Look at the iPod as an example. Apple did not invent MP3 players. There were others before the iPod. However, Apple saw that many people wanted to buy MP3 players, so they created the iPod. Compared to other MP3 players, the iPod was easy-to-use and marketed really well, so it "cornered the market" which means that everyone wanted an iPod instead of buying other MP3 players. So Apple takes good ideas and sells them better than other companies.