Henry Jay
Best way of learning Cantonese? Hi all! I have been teaching myself Cantonese for a few months now, I also recently just returned from living and working in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau. I was there for a few months and while I was able to get by with very basic / limited Cantonese. I would like to become more fluent. I have bought books on Cantonese in the states as well as in Hong Kong. I was wondering what are some ways that you used to study Cantonese that you found helpful? Anything would be great, thanks!
2014年10月13日 07:13
回答 · 13
I learned Mandarin while in university. In fact, it's one of my majors. But, to be honest, I didn't learn anything until I moved to Shanghai and actually lived in it. I used every opportunity I had to speak and talk with any strangers or friends. It also helped that most of the girls I dated couldn't speak English, so therefore I just had to learn. My point is this: You have to put yourself in the environment and surround yourself with it. I'm not sure where you lived, but I lived in a red light district. How did I know it was? Cause all of the "hair washing" places were girls in short shorts during the winter time sitting in the windows coaxing you to come in. All of my neighbors were Chinese and didn't speak any English. I almost never spoke English. Now, I'm living in HK. The temptation to speak English is too great and most local people can speak excellent English so the life skills and need just isn't there as when you're living in Mainland. But, you can still find several of these kind of local places and so forth. You just have to force yourself to speak it and use it and if someone replies to you back in English, just tell them 你唔郫面。同我講廣東話。 Means, you don't give me any face. Speak to me in Cantonese. This will force them to feel social pressure to talk in Cantonese to you. Just abuse every minute of it as you can, even if you're tired. Also, one other tip: If you want to learn a new word, then use it all the time, throughout the day. Has helped me numerous times to learn new words and phrases. Sorry for the lengthy response, but have a lot to say about this topic.
Talk to local people as much as you can, get the feeling of the language.
I'd like to be language partner with you.
I leaved in gz for my colleage and learnt cantonese.you can speak more then if every body will make you know if you speak wrong .
In fact,some of the cantonese sounds like the mandarin.It's differences in the tone ,so if you have the cantonese basic,it would help you learn the cantonese.Though I'm living in Guangzhou,but I have to say that the number of people saying mandarin more than cantonese.