I have a question Hello I wonder about this sentence "if you were to write out your brain's potential as expressed by the number of possible neural connections it could make, it would take you seventy-five years to write out all the zeros can I change "as expressed" into "expressed? I also wonder what is omitted between as and expressed Is it "it was"? Thank you all the time
2014年10月23日 01:36
回答 · 3
There's nothing wrong with the sentence. :) "If you were to write out your brain's potential..." - How? In what way? Creatively or technically? Or another way? " expressed by the number of possible neural connections it could make..." - In this way. So, we have a quantitative measure. Removing "as" would be a mistake. The sentence would become broken. Adding "it was" would also be a mistake. The useful phrase here is "as expressed by (this)", to mean "shown in this way".
I think it would be okay to replace 'as expressed' with 'expressed'. There is nothing omitted between as and expressed. I hope I helped you out. Do you have any other questions?