Sarapan Nasi Goreng
why young prostitutes were sent out on other workers' shoulders? From this page: "A prostitute sent to a Shanghai restaurant. When the prostitute was a young girl of 8 or 9 she would be sent out being carried on someone’s shoulders." Forgive my ignorance, but is there any reason of why they are being carried this way?
2014年11月1日 02:16
回答 · 2
This question is a little difficult,because I don't know the old society well.It's long long ago's story.But I check it on internet. This is the informition I found:一到青春妙龄,女孩就当上了小先生。她同大“姐姐”一样,要出堂差,坐在龟奴的肩上去饭店、茶馆。梳着未嫁姑娘的发式,从不一人外出,这些就是她仍为雏儿的标记. That is to say,that young prostitutes were sent out on other workers' shoulders means that it was the first time the girl was sent to her client.This behaviour symbolize that the gril is a virgin. Anyway,I raelly sympathise the old time prostitutes.Hope my words are helpful to you!
I think for MONEY. But you'll get more answers if you open a discussion,not a question.