someone is a doctor in this site ? and someone can analyse this results ? blood analyse : Chlosterole totale : 2.16 (inf a 2) Tryglyceride 1.80 g/l (0.40-1.60) Hématologie : Vitesse de sédimentation (V.S) VS 1er heure : 16 mm inf a 7 VS 2eme heure : 38 mm inf a 20 Numérotation formule sanguine : Globules blancs :4.6 4-10 Globules rouges :5.27 4.5-5.5 Hémoglobine :14.6 13-17 Hématocrite : 39.4 % 40-54 VGM : 74.8 80-100 TGMH : 27.7 27-32 CCMH : 37.1 % 32-37
2014年11月20日 22:22
回答 · 1
No doctor would or should do that here but what you can do is google for what are the normal limits. Whatever doctor gave you the prescription for the bloodwork is the doctor that should talk over the results with you and what they mean, especially if you find after your google search that any of those numbers are outside of "the norm".